Thursday, October 16, 2014

With technology changing every day, American technology users are finding different ways to adapt and access various news sources through different mediums.

By Tayler53 and Alyssa18

The United States citizens are very technologically advanced, with millions of people using smartphones, tablets, and the skyrocketing usage of internet. With various technologies being created each day, the media sites are becoming more and more competitive to fight for the attention of each internet user.

Though technology plays a great role in American's every day lives, many still prefer to receive their news from offline sources.

When comparing online and offline top brands that Americans use in order to obtain news, surprisingly, both local and television news and local newspapers triumph over Yahoo News, which is the leading online news site that technology users use in order to obtain news. About 45% of Americans watch their local news and 34% of Americans read their local newspaper while only about 28% of Americans read Yahoo News. It seems as though Americans still prefer to receive their news offline. With many apps available online to make newspapers readily available, people still chose to use the offline copy. For example, Fox News offline is used as a news source 33% of the time while it is only used online about 17% of the time. The same trend occurs from the New York Times.

Even though many still prefer offline news sources, digital devices and digital subscriptions sites are still extremely popular for obtaining news.
With Apple, along with hundreds of other brands, creating the most up to date technology for Internet users all over the world, it is no surprise that Americans are constantly using their devices in order to obtain news. In this day and age, it is even extremely popular to have more than one digital device. In 2014, 35% of Americans were getting their news on at least two digital devices. While this number seems larger, even more interesting is that 12% of Americans use three or more digital devices in order to obtain news. Within these devices, 11% of the users subscribe and pay for online news. This shows that even though many prefer offline new, subscription sites are still extremely prevalent.

While more Apple users obtain news from their tablet more than any other brand, Apple smartphones users do not use their phones the most to obtain news, compared to other brands.

It seems as though everyday Americans hear all about the latest technology that Apple is creating. There are thousands of commercials, advertisements, and promotions that Apple continuously releases in order to lure society into buying their products. With this being said, it is surprising that their users are not the ones most frequently using their phones to find news. Only 15% of Apple Smartphone users are using their device to obtain news while 18% of other Smartphone brand users use their device to find news. On the other hand, this is trend is not true for Apple tablet users. While only 8% of other tablet brand users use their table to get news, 13% of Apple tablet users use their device to obtain news.  

While the traditional online and offline newspapers and broadcasters provide the majority of the U.S. with news, social networks continue to increase in popularity in providing news information to the country.

In the United States, news information can be accessed through many different types of technology.  Today, broadcasters tend to be the leading form of news access, with 86% of people accessing through cross platform reach and 82% of people accessing through traditional (offline) reach.  The second highest form of news access by the U.S. is still newspaper, which may come as a surprise to many considering the massive amounts of other online news forms and other technologies.  58% of people access newspapers through cross platform reach and almost half of the nation (49%) still get their news from the traditional (offline) newspaper.  Although the majority of U.S. news is still accessed through broadcasting and newspapers, social networks continue to provide a reasonable amount of people with news.  Facebook is the top social network, providing 37% of citizens with news information.  Following Facebook, YouTube and Twitter give a combined percentage of 25% of people with news information.  These graphics prove that although the traditional news remains to be on top, news can be accessed in so many different places with the rapid increase in technology.

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